Reading Conferences

Making the Most of Reading Conferences

Interested in learning more about making the most of reading conferences? Read further to find out the structure, what it looks like, and benefits of reading conferences.

Reading Workshop Structure

Reading Workshop time follows a specific AND consistent structure: Mini-Lesson, Independent Reading, Mid-Workshop Break, Independent Reading, Close and Sharing.

What does independent reading time look like?

Students already have books selected and are reading! Reading around the room, at desks, at tables, etc. You will be traveling to each student to hold your conference.

What are Reading Conferences?

Brief one-on-one meeting time between the teacher and the reader. Discussions take place around the book the student is reading, the reading strategies that the student is using, the concepts and ideas being taught in the current reading unit of study.

How to Use Reading Conferences

Research and Observe

Gather information to help formulate your teaching point. Get to know your students’ reading habits. Ask questions to find out the students’ understanding of the book that they are reading, the strategies they are using as they read in the moment, exact evidence of where they used a reading strategy in the text, or ask them to read a section of the book aloud.


Always compliment the student! It’s a simple habit, but saying, “I like how you…” can build rapport and trust, encourage students to be open to ideas and teaching points, set the tone that the students ARE succeeding and help them build on their strengths, and students remember and enjoy the compliment. The next conference you have with that student will offer more information during the research portion of the conference.

Teach and Model

This part is critical! It is time to teach your student a reading strategy tailored for them to help them grow as readers. Stick with ONE clear teaching point. First, tell them what you want them to do. Second, show them how to do it. If you are not sure what teaching points you want to use with students create a list specific to a unit of study or basic reading strategies. You can work on these teaching points more than one conference time. Use the same teaching points for students at the same level.


Help the student try out the reading strategy or tip you just taught them. This is an important piece to make sure the student understands what you taught them and can put it into action.


Think of it as your goodbye. Make connections to their own reading. Have the student restate what you taught them, put it in writing (sticky note, index card, or reader take away card).

Reader Take Away Card

Teacher and student will write these together and staple them. It will leave your voice with students, hold them accountable and give them a focus when you are not with them.

Benefits of Reading Conferences

Reading conferences allow students to get tailor-made individualized mini-lessons suited just for them! (Differentiation at its best!) They build rapport and relationships with students. This teaches students how to talk about books, themes, and ways to improve as readers (growth mindset). This keeps the conferences brief.

Staying Organized with Reading Conferences

Part of successful student conferences includes note-taking and organized materials. Make the most of your reading conferences by staying organized with materials and data collection. Be consistent with holding structured conferences so that students know what to expect during reading. Use a form or any system that allows you to take notes in the moment. Mix up the forms that you use to gain different information on each student during your conferences.


Create a conferring basket to hold all the materials that you need to hold your conferences effectively.

  1. Conferring Guide to stay on track
  2. Data Collection Forms or Notebook
  3. Reader Take Away Cards
  4. Prepared Teaching Points
  5. Previously REad Picture Book
  6. Previously Read Chapter Book
  7. Basic Supplies: pens, pencils, highlighters, sticky notes, book marks
  8. Reward STickers for reader shout outs during mid-workshop


Conference log at the front of my binder to see at a glance who I have met with and who I have not. Conference key to track what type of conference I have had with each student.

Insider Tips of Reading Conferences

Bonus Tip: Conferring with Reading Partners

Partnership Conferences are conferences that take place between you and two readers. This is perfect if you have a large class, are short on time, or want ot offer students variety in their reading time.

Bonus Tip: Take Away Cards

These are the perfect connections for students you did not meet with that day. Give them a compliment and tip in writing form to continue to make connections with them even though you did not meet. Use the same language that you use during your conferences.

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