3 Engaging Strategies for Teaching Number Patterns Blog Post Header Image

3 of the Best Engaging Strategies for Teaching Number Patterns to Upper Elementary Students

This blog post will explore the three best methods for teaching number patterns to upper elementary students. Number patterns are an essential component of mathematics education for upper elementary students. Understanding and recognizing patterns develops critical thinking skills and lays the foundation for more complex mathematical concepts. To make learning number patterns exciting and interactive, educators can employ engaging strategies that capture students’ attention and foster a deeper understanding. 

Strategy 1: Pattern Block Puzzles for Teaching Number Patterns

Pattern block puzzles are an excellent hands-on activity that helps students visualize and analyze number patterns. The strategy involves using various shapes, such as triangles, squares, and hexagons, to create designs. Here’s how it works:

Materials needed:

  • Pattern blocks (triangle, square, rhombus, trapezoid, hexagon)
  • Instructions for using pattern block puzzles:
  • Provide students with a set of pattern blocks.
  • Present them with a pattern or sequence, either visually or verbally.
  • Students use the pattern blocks to recreate the given design.

Please encourage students to discuss their observations and explain the ways they identify.

How it teaches number patterns:

Pattern block puzzles promote critical thinking and spatial reasoning skills. By manipulating the blocks, students learn to identify and extend patterns, predict the next steps, and recognize the relationship between numbers and shapes. This strategy engages students in hands-on exploration, fostering a deeper understanding of number patterns.

Strategy 2: Number Pattern Relay Race for Teaching Number Patterns

The number pattern relay race is a dynamic and energetic activity that encourages teamwork and competition while teaching number patterns concepts. Here’s how to set it up:

Materials needed:

  • Flashcards with number patterns
  • Stopwatch or timer
  • Instructions for playing the relay race:
  • Divide students into teams of four or five.
  • Arrange the groups in a line.
  • Place a stack of flashcards with number patterns at the starting point.
  • When the race starts, the first student from each team runs to the flashcards, picks one, and tries to identify the pattern.
  • Once students identify the pattern, they return to their team and pass the flashcard to the next teammate.
  • The race continues until all the flashcards are correctly identified.
  • The team that finishes first with the most accurate answers wins.

How it teaches number patterns:

The relay race instills a sense of excitement and camaraderie in the classroom. Students practice identifying and analyzing number patterns under time pressure, improving their pattern recognition skills. Additionally, working collaboratively in teams enhances communication and problem-solving abilities.

Strategy 3: Interactive Number Pattern Games

Harnessing the power of technology, interactive number pattern games offer a captivating way to engage upper elementary students. Various online resources and apps provide engaging and educational games reinforcing number pattern concepts. Here’s what you need to know:

Online resources and apps for interactive games:

  • MathPlayground: Offers a wide range of interactive games focusing on number patterns.
  • ABCya: Provides interactive games for upper elementary students, including number pattern challenges.
  • Prodigy: An adaptive math platform incorporating number pattern activities to make learning fun and personalized.

How it teaches number patterns:

Interactive number pattern games allow students to practice their skills digitally, making learning enjoyable and motivating. These games often feature colorful visuals, immediate feedback, and progressive difficulty levels, fostering a deeper understanding of number patterns through interactive exploration.

Teaching number patterns to upper elementary students can be engaging and effective through various strategies. Educators can captivate students’ interest, promote critical thinking skills, and solidify their understanding of number patterns by incorporating activities like pattern block puzzles, number pattern relay races, and interactive games. Remember, a hands-on, interactive approach is key to fostering a love for mathematics and nurturing a strong foundation in number pattern concepts.

Need a quick way to check student understanding? Grab my 5th grade math exit tickets! Not sure how to use exit tickets? Check out the blog post!