Tackle Test Anxiety With Picture Books

5 Best Picture Books to Tackle Test Anxiety

I have discovered that students will feel better about standardized testing if we tackle test anxiety with picture books. In my experience, many students get extremely nervous when it comes time to take a test, especially if they are new to testing like my class of third graders. However, there are some students that don’t even bat an eye. Eminem gets their feelings to a tee, “Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy…” If he were to have added elevated heart rates and some tears, he’s written the anthem for everybody with test anxiety.

There are a million and two test-taking strategies out there that teachers use to prepare their students for a test. But I wonder, why do we spend more time with test-taking strategies and not addressing test-taking anxiety? Strategies are definitely important, but they’re incredibly different to use if the students can’t get past their anxiety and feelings.

Anxiety isn’t something that will just go away, which is why it’s so incredibly important to teach students how to use coping skills that will help them to become more successful. Testing season is rapidly approaching and one way that I’m changing test prep in my classroom this year is by exposing my students to coping strategies for their anxiety as well as test-taking strategies.

Picture books are the way my students relate best, so that’s the route I decided to go. Even though we still have a few weeks before testing begins, we’ve already begun reading some of these books in my classroom. I wanted to give my students the opportunity to not only hear the stories multiple times but also want to give them the opportunity to decide which coping skills work best for them.

Here are 5 of my favorite book finds so far to tackle test anxiety:

The Anti-Test Anxiety Society by Julia Cook

This is the story of Bertha Billingsworth, also known as BB. She is a bright girl but when it comes time to take any type of test in her classroom, her anxiety takes over and she can’t remember the information she needs. Eventually, BB’s teacher learns about her test anxiety and decides that BB needs to become a member of the Anti-Test Anxiety Society. As a member of this society, BB learns twelve strategies to help with test anxiety, and her perspective shifts from Terrible Every Single Time to Terrific Every Single Time.

Mathsketball: A Story of Test Anxiety by Erainna Winnett

Ethan loves going to school. He’s successful in every subject with the exception of math When his teacher gives a pop quiz in math class, Ethan begins to feel sick. That afternoon, his friend, Jack, introduces Ethan to a game called Mathsketball. The next day when Ethan gets his quiz score, he begins to feel sick again and that’s when his teacher explains something called test anxiety. She teaches Ethan some strategies to help ease his anxiety when it’s time to take a test. Although he isn’t confident in them, he agrees to give them a try. Ethan finds that between playing Mathsketball with Jack and using the skills his teacher taught him, tests aren’t as bad anymore.

The Big Test by Julie Danneberg

Mrs. Hartwell has worked hard to teach her students different test-taking strategies. They practice filling in the bubbles, reading directions, and they even receive a lesson in test day nutrition. She had good intentions but quickly realized that not only was all of the Big Test Day prep was causing test anxiety in her students but she forgot to teach her students to simply RELAX!

Testing Miss Malarkey by Judy Finchler

As standardized testing approaches, everyone in school seems to be a little more stressed than usual. Students play math and phonics games during recess, the cafeteria is only serving “brain food”, and even the gym teacher starts teaching relaxation skills instead of the usual game of baseball. In the end, the students learn that the test wasn’t as big and scary as they thought it would be.

Worry Warriors: Anxious Adam Braves the Test by Marne Ventura

Adam’s school is getting ready to take their big test. Adam is dyslexic and as test day approaches, his anxiety increases. Although he has the support of his family and friends, he still wonders if he’ll be successful on the test or if he will need to repeat the fourth grade. In the end, Adam realizes that one of the most important things is trying his best.

Need some more information for test prep? Check out the blog posts linked below!

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